Mission & Vision

To prepare Vaidic scholars- To prepare proven scholars in Grammar, Philosophy, Upnishad Veda, Vaidic literature, Vaidic Mathematics, Indian proven history and Raj Dharma etc. and to prepare graduates with the power to give social, spiritual, economical, scientific and political ideal leadership.

To prepare leaders of modern Bharata-To prepare intellectuals and national leaders who can set new landmarks in different fields like: Technology, Management, Defence Administrative Services, Police Services, Medicine, Engineering, Games and Sports, Fine Arts, Music, Drama, Agriculture, Industry, Research, etc. We will be instilling in the young minds the glory, utility and attraction of both the expectations. Then a child will get prepared according to his/her Karmashaya, Sanskar and Svabhava Pujya Swamiji believes that the possibility of reformation in a child decreases by one percent with every passing year of age. And generally from every aspect a child becomes enlightened by one percent every year. But with the help of intellectual efforts we can develop this enlightenment physically, intellectually and spiritually by one to ten percent.